Dr. Wael Alhajyaseen
Dr. Wael Alhajyaseen is an Associate Professor at the Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center in the College of Engineering, Qatar University. He holds an M.S. degree in transportation engineering from the University of Jordan (2005) and a Doctor of Engineering degree in civil engineering from Nagoya University (2010).
As the Chair of the Traffic Safety Analysis and Policy Group of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS), Dr. Alhajyaseen has made notable contributions to the field of Traffic Engineering. His expertise and dedication have earned him several regional and international awards, including the prestigious Yasoshima Yoshinosuke Prize presented by the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies in 2009.
Dr. Alhajyaseen specializes in various areas such as traffic engineering, traffic safety (including human factors, crash data analysis, and driving simulation), road user behavior analysis (both motorized and non-motorized), and intelligent transportation systems. With extensive experience in driving simulator research, he manages the Driving Simulator Lab and the Virtual Reality Lab at the College of Engineering at Qatar University.
Furthermore, Dr. Alhajyaseen contributes to the academic community as a member of the Editorial Board for the Case Studies on Transport Policy Journal (Elsevier) and the International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion (Taylor&Francis). He has authored or co-authored over 100 articles in internationally renowned scientific journals, further establishing his expertise and influence in the field.