
We welcome submissions – either as full papers or posters (short papers). Submission instructions and templates are to be found below.

Full Papers

We accept the submission of high-quality papers describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, experimental and theoretical work or research in all of the topic areas mentioned. Submission of a paper implies that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are expected to meet the scientific criteria of novelty and academic excellence.

    • Submit your full paper through EasyChair using the link
    • Only PDF format is accepted.
    • Use the paper template when you prepare your paper for submission:
    • Full papers must 4-6 pages in length, inclusive of figures, tables, and references.
    • All papers must be submitted and presented in English.
    • Only papers presented at the conference will be included in the conference proceedings.
    • Selected papers will be published in certain journals (publication fees may apply).

Authors/Students can submit abstracts for either poster or oral presentation that will take place during the conference. Abstract offer the opportunity to present research work in progress to experts and receive valuable feedback. The session encourages networking and discussion between students and researchers, which may lead to possible collaborative efforts in the region.

A poster presentation combines a visual display on a poster board of the highlights of research with a question-and-answer opportunity. The poster will be available for viewing by participants during the conference. All participants are encouraged to visit the posters in the breaks and contact the main author during the conference when it is feasible.


  • Submit your abstract through EasyChair using the link.
  • All papers must be submitted in English.
Poster Guidelines
  • Each poster presenter is required to defend his/her poster during the respective poster session slot. 
  • The poster should be easily readable from a distance of 2 meters.
  • The conference venue provides equipment for setting up the posters on the boards.
  • Posters should be displayed in portrait style.
  • The maximum size of your poster should be a standard A0 (84 cm x 119 cm).
  • All posters must be submitted in English.